Thursday, March 28, 2019

Week in Seven Words #456

The kitchen is dingy, and the cook keeps her phone and keys on the counter among spatters of sauce and grease. But the soup is pretty good, and so is the chicken sandwich.

Framed by the window, the cluster of buildings and lights resembles a computer motherboard.

As with other high schools, the architecture for this one evokes a prison. It's a slab of gray with the windows barred.

He doesn't read the book, just looks for answers on Quizlet, which his indifferent teacher will accept with an automatic checkmark.

His mind is roaming an elsewhere. He's shifting in his seat, and soon he'll hurry out the door to walk off his restlessness.

Buses slide out like tired slugs from the tunnel.

"The truth will set you free" is how the expression goes, but this freedom, whatever it happens to be, generally isn't quick or guaranteed. What the truth does is show you some of the ways in which you're chained. From there, you need to figure out how to unchain yourself, if you even want to, and if you even can.