Thursday, March 28, 2019

Week in Seven Words #455

Two large stores that sell tons of electronics and related accessories, but no wrist rests for typing and no plans to stock any. I begin to wonder if typing is going out of style, somehow?

As if she's a dignified statue splattered in pigeon crap, she doesn't respond to the contempt they show her.

When editing another person's work, I have to carefully strengthen the text without changing the author's voice to my own.

A glaring sun, the relief of the wind, weeds among the basil and old tomato plants.

Her essay is disjointed, as if she has dropped it on the floor, gathered up the broken pieces, and spread them out on paper. This is what an early draft often looks like.

Though she's usually late, she usually brings cookies, so all is forgiven.

She periodically flies in from the Netherlands to volunteer around NYC and write about her experiences. It's an interesting way to observe some of the social dysfunctions in the US and the civic or altruistic efforts in response.