We leave the TV on in the other room and play boardgames to the background noise of dismal news.
Part of his job is to quell people's dread. Even when he's solemn, there's a gleam in his eye, reflecting a bright shore that he assures people he can see.
They ignore anything that reflects poorly on the politicians they support, while magnifying every pore and blemish in their opponents.
Sometimes a hot, unreasoning anger seizes them, and they look like they're about to rip each other apart. Then a switch flips, and they cheerfully subside and watch TV.
She considers the best color for her bedroom walls and skims through a book of soothing pinks - coral, rose, crepe, salmon.
The best colors emerge in the afternoon. Gold light on leaves and dusky red bricks. The soft blue of the sky calls to mind feathers and eggshells.
They're fooled by an excerpt that's taken out of context and given sinister meaning. It's something they saw in passing on the internet and absorbed without questioning.