Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week in Seven Words #24

I can count on this restaurant to provide the right kind of avocado - not too mushy or too hard, and embedded in the chewy seaweed and sticky white rice of a delectable sushi roll.

A plate of juicy pineapple - fat glistening cubes of pineapple - by the window fan in the warm room.

I don't focus enough on my words and the implications of my work; I attend too closely to the expressions of the people in the audience. Their faces are often inscrutable; from time to time they nod, quirk an eyebrow, smile just a little. Though it's important to keep one's audience in mind during a talk I think I take it just a little too far, searching their faces for the most miniscule glimpse of their true thoughts.

Leaning against the train window, eyes half-closed, with the sun setting at my left ear.

It stems in large part from a fear of failure.

A camp counselor asks a reasonable question: "Why did you touch the waffle-maker? You know it's hot!"

She picks a few fuzzy feathery pink flowers from a tree and instructs me to tuck them into my pocket so that my hands will be free when we play catch.