Thursday, March 19, 2020

Week in Seven Words #501

Round every corner you turn, there's a TV. At least one of them is on at all times, sometimes two.

"Please don't take a photo of my work," she says, emerging from her art booth. "Buy it."

She hops on my lap to lick watermelon droplets from the table. She disregards the calls for her to stop, and the reminders that she's not supposed to eat from the table, because watermelon is worth being disobedient for. Besides, as a good dog, she gets a lot of leniency, because her main offenses are eating from the table and attempting to steal and eat toilet paper. Nothing serious.

Feeling a bit sore and bruised inside after receiving entirely positive, detailed feedback on a piece, only to be told vaguely that it's not a good fit.

Eating a chicken sandwich that tastes mostly like salt, ketchup, and bread.

The heart-shaped anniversary balloon was bobbing around by the ceiling. Now it sinks towards the tile floor, where it's kicked around by restless feet.

A male deer, looking puzzled and wary, slips into a backyard away from us. We watch him through the gap in the faded wood fence.