Sunday, January 19, 2020

Week in Seven Words #494

The branches are flapping in a strong wind, as if the trees are fanning themselves.

The kids are inexperienced executives; the parents are zealous secretaries and social directors.

The male and female hikers break up to urinate in the woods. They're yards apart, forming protective circles around each pee-er.

Because the elevators aren't working, the stairwell echoes with dreadful gasps.

Unresolved trauma will ruin your life, she says.

Their home is Colonial style with a broad, pale face. An American flag is draped over the porch railing. The front door opens to small rooms stuffed with comfortable furniture. Rectangles of light cast by the windows fall short of the photos on the shelves and walls.

Aside from a radio blatting from behind a door, the hallway is silent. Shadows are ganging up on the feeble emergency lights.