Saturday, December 7, 2019

Week in Seven Words #486

The concierge could have undergone Marine Corp boot camp training and would still not have been prepared for this particular guest and her battery of demands.

Rain gushing like the sky is full of faulty plumbing.

The cloying scent of flowers and dog feces in a narrow park.

Dressed in gym shorts and gray tees, they've plonked themselves down on a couple of pink armchairs and are now discussing whether Noah's ark could have been built.

They get sucked into a game set in another world, where there are portals opening to demonic realms and taverns where you can quaff an ale by a roaring fire.

We're eating at the bar, conversation minimal, eyes mostly on the food. We're seated shoulder-to-shoulder in quiet companionship.

They know which part of the store their child has run off to, because he's left a trail of crumbled crackers for them to follow.