Thursday, September 5, 2019

Week in Seven Words #475

As his wife and kids explore the plaza, a man dozes on a ledge with his feet in an empty stroller.

The kids, small and roughly the same age, form a messy row at the restaurant counter. They remind me of teacups, piping, clattering, releasing whirls of steam.

The hamburger is a salt lick, but the conversation is good. Half-eaten food and intense discussion.

Lights dance on the ceiling in dots and rhombuses.

"Can we go on the rides?" the child asks. "This is a museum," her mother replies. "There are no rides."

In the park, music from a hoarse violin. A bird makes tentative hops towards the violinist.

Celebrating the conclusion of a stressful obligation with a personal pizza and episodes of a show set in outer space, many light years from here.