Saturday, July 20, 2019

Week in Seven Words #468

Teens form clots on the train's platform, their eyes on their phones, mouths pressed to sugary drinks.

The structure, repetition, and sheer colorfulness of a picture book. Some wit in this one too. Since I'll probably be reading it more than once, it's best to find qualities to appreciate.

It's a crisp, sunny day, but in the middle of our walk a mild hail falls, only a passing shower, pelting us lightly.

She looks tired – coffee firmly attached to her hand, bags under her eyes, a weak grin of determination.

He's become obsessed with wrestling, namely WWE wrestlers. Using cardboard from discarded boxes, he's cut out and colored in a slew of wrestlers. I identify Hulk Hogan from the yellow blobs of hair on the face.

We're huddled together by the water. The sky is creamy and tinged with pink and purple. The buildings are silvery.

At lunch, they play a Trivial Pursuit type of game on their phone, the screen getting smeared with barbecue sauce as they stab at the answers (which are mostly correct, except for pretty much anything in the sports category).