Friday, October 18, 2013

Week in Seven Words #186

A lack of productivity is suffocating.

The cashiers summon customers by waving red flags.

A number of people think that 'natural' automatically means 'desirable' or 'immutable.'

Branches snap and fall, no longer able to bear their own weight.

An inability to handle uncertainty lies at the heart of so much misery and evil.

Can people change in their essentials? It's hard enough to get rid of a single bad habit. What about five or ten of them? What about the dark, habitual thoughts that choke the life out of the mind?

In the library, two old men fight over a hat. The owner of the hat allegedly took a newspaper away from the other guy, who retaliated by snatching the hat away and refusing to return it. They argue loudly, the hat-owner shrill and indignant, the hat-snatcher muttering filthy insults.