I'm loaded down with work. In response, I start considering all the movies I'd like to watch.
The weather is a slap to our face, spring giving us a cold shoulder.
What happens to the emails I send that don't arrive? I see them dissolving at high speed, the words turning into a sparkling dust.
It's possible for the brain to feel grungy, like it's been sitting in a bucket of mop water.
Peeping out from the tortured syntax and the litter of logical fallacies is a glimmer of truth.
I don't know what it is about a spoonful of whole milk vanilla yogurt - a bit of peace and calm in every corner of your mouth.
The sentences look as if they're trying to cohere into paragraphs but can't. They're too spattered. Sort of like a jellyfish trying to walk on land, it won't happen. There's a ways to go yet, in their evolution as solid structured papers.