
Friday, August 9, 2019

Week in Seven Words #472

She prefers working for a smaller company. The larger corporations demand too much conformity.

The room has deep red wallpaper and animal heads mounted on the walls. Nothing else.

I'm looking through picture books for a gift, and it amazes me how skinny books with simple illustrations and one word per page ("Running," "Flying,") have double-digit price tags.

He returns to the topic of his anger, and how he wishes he had learned earlier in life a whole vocabulary of emotions. To be able to put words to his feelings would have helped him stave off the outbursts that derailed his career. It's never just about words; it's about understanding yourself, the source of your feelings, and the options for how to act.

The branches of the bare trees form a diaphanous net that catches the sunlight.

I overcome my own self-consciousness to talk to him, which helps him overcome his self-consciousness. We have a lovely chat.

From many windows, the same game is flickering. One large TV after another, mounted to a wall and dominating a room with the same shots.