
Friday, August 9, 2019

Week in Seven Words #471

I need to curb my impatience and allow him to arrive at an answer. He needs to think quietly, then have the time to explain and evaluate his conclusions. I don't want to immediately jump in and tell him what's wrong. He needs to work through it.

For most of that one day, I look at the rest of the world as if from another dimension.

As she walks, she tosses crumbs from a plastic bag. Pigeons fly in from all around. Their wings make splatting sounds, and they land in a bristling crowd on the sidewalk.

There's a cleft in the rock, and it overlooks water, trees, and shimmering buildings. People take turns standing in it for selfies. It's practically a photo booth.

They negotiate eating a pizza outdoors, in an atmosphere of tension and discontent. The seats are uncomfortable. The napkins fly off.

She's unliked, unloved. Maybe deep down she realizes how much, and it hurts to see.

A woman uses a bullhorn to remind the kids on the playground, "Keep your coats on."