
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Week in Seven Words #561

This covers the week of 10/18/20 - 10/24/20.

The guitarist in the park has talent, but he seems to be only 13 or 14. The lyrics he sings would sound more convincing from someone who's at least a decade older.

The views at the new park are grand, but much of the space is wasted on concrete. The plants seem like an afterthought.

The pier is glowing, the ducks are dotting the water, and someone is using a bike horn that quacks.

The first time I show up to get my flu shot, no one is at the pharmacy, but the dude behind the counter glares at me and tells me they're booked solid. I don't believe him, but I decide to come back another time, because if he's the one administering the shot, my arm will probably be extra sore. I come back a few days later, no fuss; the shot's given by a quiet, efficient lady. 

We check if certain statues have been removed for their offensiveness. There's currently a mania for statue removal, as bigger problems rage on.

One of the stories from his youth features punched cards used for computer programming. These days, he keeps a smartphone at his belt.

I've come to know them by voice – the one with the mournful whimper, the one with a Caribbean accent, the one that craters his sentences with huge pauses.