
Monday, August 30, 2021

Week in Seven Words #551

This covers the week of 8/9/20 - 8/15/20.

The moment has arrived: We're getting pizza from a restaurant. A milestone during a year like this. As we wait outside the pizza place for our order, we stare into a neighboring window display with a sign that advertises psychic readings. A woman comes up to us and warns us not to see the psychic. "They went to jail for stealing people's fortunes!" Her voice is harsh, her eyes hard and bright. I wonder if she's one of the psychic's victims. Or maybe the pandemic has pushed her into the borderlands between sanity and madness.

From our bench on a high point in the park, the view is only tree canopies, thick with summer growth. Layers of leaves, subtly shifting shades of green.

The less I'm exposed to the contents of their brains, the more faith I have in humanity. 

After a morning of heavy rain and thunder, the sun emerges like yolk from a cracked shell.

They snipe at each other, sometimes viciously, but I think it's a strange comfort to them, to get tangled up together in long text threads.
On one side of the street, there's a stretch of restaurants with lively outdoor seating, people crammed around tables on the sidewalk as pedestrians and dogs ease past them. On the other side of the street, there's a stretch of shuttered businesses and homeless people asleep under construction scaffolding.

On its way to the lake, the stream tumbles over rocks. Dogs dip into the running water and shake the droplets away.