
Friday, August 13, 2021

Week in Seven Words #549

This covers the week of 7/26/20 - 8/1/20.

Before the fast begins, my stomach feels like a water balloon.

Social distancing is a handy excuse to avoid people whose company is undesirable under normal circumstances.

Feathery white flowers beside a riverside path. Five geese on a sward by the rocky bank.

The dancing skaters are back. I love watching their meetup in the park, where anyone with rhythm and a pair of skates can join in (I have one but not the other). Most of them wear masks, and one balances a bottle of water on his head as he flies around in figure eights. 

A walk transforms profound disquiet into new ideas, and I feel somewhat hopeful.

The little girl chases her dog across a sunny field. They end up under a tree, in the shade. After catching her breath, she orders the dog to chase her. She runs away from the tree and waves her arms. Her parents urge the dog to run after her. But he's a smart dog. He isn't trading the relief of the shade for the mercilessness of the sunshine.

Wearing the night guard makes me sound like a boxer (the athlete, not the dog).