
Sunday, November 1, 2020

Week in Seven Words #527

This covers the week of 2/23/20 - 2/29/20.

He's convinced that he's a loser, and he speaks to himself the way he wouldn't speak to anyone else. After years of such self-talk, the words are almost comforting. They've become something like a reliable truth, even though they aren't true.

She doesn't want to finish her homework, so she stretches out each question with pretend thinking, bathroom breaks, trips to refill her cup with water, and off-topic questions. 

A row of old computers chuntering on through the same tasks, year after year, under different masters wielding different tools.

Her skirt floats around her as she dances, as if it's a flowing extension of her energy and grace.

Mounds of laundry fed into the maw of a washing machine.

Her dragon sculpture looks as if it will come alive at any moment, whipping its tail around and stretching its jaws open to unleash fire.

I force myself to finish something I'd rather not be doing and that I wish I wasn't doing alone.