
Monday, June 1, 2020

Week in Seven Words #510

This covers the week of 10/27/19 - 11/2/19.

I hurry back to give her a second kiss.

One statue with a ripped out torso embodies depression. Mind and body laid to waste.

At an Uzbek restaurant: salads in small, shallow dishes and a delicious stew that settles comfortably in my stomach for what seems like days.

A rich salmon salad in the morning. Pecan cookies in the afternoon. Some yogurt for dinner.

On one outdoor terrace, a sculpted horse considers the ocean and the narrow streets of an old neighborhood. On the rooftop, a real bird with black and white feathers perches on a steampunk-like contraption. Nearby, a statue skulks, its face lost in the shadows of a hood.

The cat peers out from among broad, dusty leaves.

By the ocean: scooters, bikes, paper boats strung up in the air, a rippling flag on a rock among the waves.