
Sunday, March 15, 2020

Week in Seven Words #500

She uses "heavy" to describe anything big or adult-like.

Even though he's more experienced with JavaScript than I am, he can still find it perplexing. Like why 2019 gets interpreted as a number even though it was typed as a string.

Right after we step into the store, the wind picks up, and the storm rushes through the streets like an overflowing river.

I'm caught up in a flurry of impatience with myself. But impatience is preferable to feeling undeserving and inadequate.

The salesman, crimped and white-toothed, hovers too much, but he does point me to something worth buying.

An old woman walking with her spine perpendicular to her hips refuses help with her bags. She's holding one in each hand, and they seem to balance her.

The doctor's office is tucked below street level. It looks grubby and shabby, and the air is thick with the tang of disinfectant.