
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Week in Seven Words #464

The small box of chocolates is a gift of appeasement, and I'm pleased to be appeased at this moment.

It's important to trust in small tasks. To fight the tendency of trying to catch up by doing too much all at once, failing, and feeling discouraged.

The surface of the lake looks like crinkly photographic film, black and white.

The day is fading, leaving a last gentle imprint of light on windows and bricks. We walk in silence.

For a minute, he embodies laziness. He lies on the floor. Pretends to need other people to tug him to his feet and into motion.

We enjoy a discussion that makes us feel cozy and connected, in a room many stories up with a view of steel and blue shadows.

None of the foods are appetizing. Not the sticky muffins, not the pretzels crackling like dry grass. But we appreciate that they've been laid out for us; we weren't expecting refreshments.