
Saturday, May 4, 2019

Week in Seven Words #460

I mention a recent interest I've taken in plants, and he mistakenly assumes that I'm talking about cannabis.

Now that it's her turn to talk, she doesn't want to stop. She steers the conversation towards animals and how she can't resist rescuing them. Her body shifts and contorts through her monologue, until you can see her seizing the puppies from the box where they've been abandoned and clutching them to her chest.

An evening of yellow roses, candle light, and pleasant conversation.

Walking home at night, I spot the Microsoft logo reflected off the glass of a church door.

The pale flowers have sprung from a crack in the pavement, as if the sidewalk is offering them up gallantly to anyone passing by, anyone who cares to notice.

We're an odd assortment, like the lint and leftovers in the pocket of the world.

"Get to them before they get to you," he says. Out of context, the words sound sinister. But he's talking about setting the tone of a conversation or any social encounter. From the start, he says, be forthright, courteous, and, if it comes naturally to you, crack a joke. Disarm another person's irritable mood or complaints, right at the beginning.