
Monday, December 25, 2017

Dyker Heights and Its Extravagant Lights

Yesterday evening I joined a local branch of the Appalachian Mountain Club on a walk that had nothing to do with mountains, forests, or hiking trails - it took us through Dyker Heights, a neighborhood in Brooklyn known for its elaborate display of Christmas lights and general winter holiday decorations (like smiling snowmen waving from front lawns).



Some people pay thousands of dollars for professional assistance in transforming their property. One house had a Toy Land theme with carousels and another hosted a crowd scene of Christmas characters.


I liked the fat golden snowflakes on another house.


This Santa and snowman helicopter with twirling propeller was a cute one.


I also spotted Captain America on one porch, and Minions in front of another house.


On the way back to the D train in Bensonhurst, we stopped by a Nativity scene that was more a landscape with lots of activity round the manger and people going about their daily lives. Reminded me of a Bruegel painting.



Even though I don't celebrate Christmas, I find winter holiday light displays cheerful and fun to look at (also lovely if I'm walking after dark through the city). This walk was like licking frosting from a cake for a couple of hours.

To anyone celebrating Christmas, have a happy day. And to all, a wonderful new year.