
Thursday, September 14, 2017

Week in Seven Words #360

He knows it's ridiculous to spend this much money on shoes. He laughs at himself, even as he buys a pair and takes photos of them - first in their box, then on the floor, and after that, with himself in them.

He's afraid to care too much about anything. His heroes have soured on him. His teachers are dead inside. His friends take pleasure destroying things.

The room is wrecked. He stands to the side, nodding slightly to the music from his headphones, as he takes in the work ahead of him.

They craft a lie and treat it publicly as truth. It's the only way to keep peace in their family. They tiptoe past uncomfortable topics and avert their eyes from vile behavior.

She wants to write an email that's persuasive and appeasing. So much is at stake for her, with this one email that may never be read.

Soft pink tomato guts slick between my fingers.

The street is split open with repairs. Mice pour out, seeking other homes.