
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Week in Seven Words #149 and #150


Here's another batch of two weeks of words.

And exciting news: The e-book I co-authored with my brother is now available on Amazon.

Week in Seven Words #149
In a book of frog jokes we discover the famous Viking explorer, Leap Ericson, and the favorite dish of frogs at a barbecue: spare ribbits.

We walk past squares of window light and silent playgrounds, frost on our breath.

By the end of our experiment we smell of charcoal, cigarettes and burned paper.

The toilet water is green and foamy. He's been dumping liquid soap into the bowl again when no one is looking.

Because people are quick to fix a label of ADHD on kids who act up or mess up in school, they set it up so that many kids slip between the cracks - undiagnosed, mislabeled, or otherwise misunderstood – the complexities of their situation overlooked.

She will not ask for help. I only know that she's hurt when I come into the room and see her on the armchair, rubbing her ankle with a rueful expression on her face.

I think every young kid has a hiding spot, a corner of the house that isn't their room that they stake out for themselves to stash things in and to use as a favorite spot for hide-and-seek.

Week in Seven Words #150
We're in three separate locations lighting candles and singing together over speakerphone.

The conversation in the conference room is a mix of trivial matters and life and death issues.

As they sit in a circle on the floor, the dreidel spins between them, and they lean in to watch it, shout at it, and wave other players away from it. It's like an intense bout of back-alley gambling, and the stakes are high: chocolate gelt and chocolate chips.

Fairy lights flung across trees on a chilly night.

For the fleeting taste of spilled food the dog licks the chairs.

Repetition and structure are his way of bringing order to a new and chaotic world.

It's startling to find flowers, rich red and pink, alive in the garden even on the cusp of winter.